Monday, 6 June 2016


"a portrait of, and occasionally a quote from my children, once a week, every week, in 2016"

Jackson: I snapped this photo through the window just before the bus departed full of excited, nervous, pumped up Grade 7's on their way to The Outdoor Learning Center for their overnight camp-out to celebrate the end of elementary school. They will all move on to High School in September.  After I took this photo, I hurried to my car and sat and had a good cry. These last 8 years have flown by. I'm so grateful for all the time I've been allowed to spend at the school volunteering, watching him and his fellow classmates grow. They are such good kids. I was there the next afternoon when the bus returned full of loud, happy, slightly tired kids. Their teacher was the first off the bus and couldn't give enough praise to the kids about their behaviour. Jackson said the 2 days, 1 night were "awesome with lots of activities, good food and fun." 

Lily: Pictured heading up the steps to school. I'm somewhat of a broken record here but time really does fly when you have children. They are the measure. Just two short years ago, she didn't want us just dropping her off. We often had to wait at least until the bell rang before we could leave. Nowadays she's more than happy to be dropped off before the bell rings so she can go and hang out with her friends. My sweet babies are getting older. I love them so much. 

Living Arrows


  1. Loving the summer hat #livingarrows

  2. Lily looks so grown up here! They both look amazing in the B&W.

  3. You can really see how similar they are as siblings in this week's photos! x

  4. Ah end of an era! Time does indeed fly. They both look so quietly self-assured with their milestones reached. Happy end of the school year and enjoy the summer.
