Tuesday, 1 August 2017


"a portrait of, and occasionally a quote from my children, once a week, every week, in 2017"

Jackson: I took this photo the evening he got he braces put on. He wasn't keen to smile. I expect there will be a lot less teeth showing in pics of my boy for the next year. 

Lily: I took her and a couple of her girlfriends for an overnighter in the Vancouver. We went to Playland on the first day and had the most fabulous time. Lily LOVES rides in particular the swings!!!
Living Arrows


  1. He will love those braces in time as you have set him off on a good dentistry programme so he can smile widely in time. I have neglected my teeth due to depression and neglect so my big smile won't be seen again sadly.

  2. The braces will be off in no time. Love the colour in the swing picture #livingarrows

  3. That swing picture is just brilliant! And I'm sure Jackson will get used to his braces soon enough :) #LivingArrows
