Sunday, 6 January 2013

1/52 a portrait a week

January 6, 2012
"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013"

I've decided to join Jodi from Che and Fidel in her portrait project. One photo of each of my kids each week for the entire year. I'm excited to see what changes I may see in Jack and Lily. Time certainly seems like it is always racing so I believe this is a wonderful way to recognize the little differences that may not be visible everyday. They are not babies anymore so growth is not as easy to notice. Teeth will come in, hair may darken...we shall see where this goes.

Check out Jodi's first post of the year here and read more about the idea here. I think it's fabulous!


  1. I'm joining in too, I will enjoy seeing your two lovelies each week!

  2. Forgot to say, I have nominated your blog for the Liebster award thing if you want to take part. The questions are up on my blog. No worries if it's not your thing though!

    1. OMG really!!!! How exciting and terrifying! Thanks so very much Suzie!

  3. Oh my gosh, look how little they were!! x
