Monday 1 July 2013

26/52 a portrait a week

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Jackson & Lily: pictured with their teachers on the last day of grade 4 for him and grade 2 for her. They have had a wonderful year and HUGE credit goes to their AMAZING teachers. Jack has had Mrs. Schmunk and Lily Mrs. Payne for two years straight and it really has been for the better. Both kids excelled and passed with flying colours (both years) and we are so very grateful. Lily's face is tear stained as she had a big good cry while waiting for her report card followed by a long hug. It's hard to say goodbye to a classroom when they feel so comfortable but new challenges are great too. My thanks goes out to Mrs. Schmunk and Mrs. Payne for educating, loving and nurturing my children.  
They are beautiful fantastic teachers!!
We've been pretty busy since school ended so no fav's for me from last weeks batch.
As always, joining in with Jodi over at Che and Fidel.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post and tribute to their teachers, magnificent women!! I can understand how it's tough for them to say goodbye to someone who has been such a big part of their every day and taught them so much. I know they'll have a great summer !!
