Friday 29 September 2017

Almost 14!!!

Another year, another birthday quiz. My sweet little big man will be 14 tomorrow!!!  He's been taller than me for ages and is very close to overcoming Neil in height soon. He's kind and loving with a load of smart-ass mixed in to make him whole. Some of his answers are similar or exact to last year''s and others different without any pre-reading. I'll always question the where he wants to go to school answer but am thrilled to be the kindest person he knows. I'm sad he's into Family Guy however I know that's pretty normal for a teenage boy. He's a good kid, people tell us that all the time. I love him so much. 14! As ever, it's crazy and shocking. I know it shouldn't be but it is.

1. Tomorrow you'll be 14, how do you think you'll feel when you wake up
     "no different"

2. What are you most proud of yourself for?
     "being a good sport"

3. Describe yourself in three words
    "fun, athletic and a good person"

4. What do you want to do when you grow up?
     "MLB player"

5. Where do you think you'll go to college
    "I want to go to the University of Oregon"

6. Who is your hero?
    "Justin Smoak"

7. What do you like most about school?
    "foods class"

8. What is something that makes you angry?
    "when I have a lot of homework"

9. What makes you happy?
    "hockey and baseball"

10. Who is the kindest person you know?
      "my Mom"

11. What is your favourite
      movie "Field of Dreams"  food "a good peanut and jam sandwich" song "Way Back by Travis Scott" month             "December" tv show "Family Guy even though Mom hates it"  book scoffs..."Nothing at this time"

 12. Where do you hope to live when you grow up?

13. Do you dream of anything?
      "making the MLB"

14. Describe your family...
      Dad "nice guy"  Mom "great" Lily "annoying and nice"

15. What do you like about your sister?
      "that she doesn't bug me too much"

We missed doing an  "Almost 10" but click on the others to read how his quizzes differ. 
Almost 9, Almost 11, Almost 12, & Almost 13

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