Tuesday, 1 January 2019

53 of 53 Monday's in 2018

 "a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2018"

Jackson & Lily: Opening presents at their Nana's place on Christmas Day and with their stockings at our place at the very reasonable hour of 8:38am!! Thank you teenagers. 
(Below, a bonus shot of Jackson as goalie from an end of year 3 on 3 tourney. He isn't a goalie but actually did pretty good but really didn't care much. The tourney was a fun one and he had a great time!)

Living Arrows


  1. I think we are really lucky that Athena and Troy have always slept until at least 7am, even on birthdays and Christmas. It's lovely! Thanks so much for being a part of Living Arrows - I love seeing your photos each week and hope you continue to share them - until Jackson and Lily no longer let you take them anyway! x

  2. I love that picture with them in front of the tree with their stockings. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year and looking forward to seeing what Jackson and Lily get up to in another year of Living Arrows.
