Week 24
"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019"
Jackson: Canadian boy leaving our local Tim's with his iced cap while proudly sporting a Raptors jersey the day after their big win.
Lily: Posing in the lavender that is plentiful in our yard.
Below with their Dad on Father's Day.
Week 25
Jackson & Lily: Posing on the last day of Grade's 10 & 8. Craziness!!!
Week 26
Jackson: Ready to head out and watch the fireworks with friends on Canada Day.
Lily: She's a big Pixar fan so we made a special trip across the water to Courtenay to go to their nice theatre and see Toy Story on the big screen with comfy seats.
Week 27
Jackson: Jumping the dock on Savary Island.
Lily: All smiles after watching Paul McCartney in the 12th row on the floor at BC Place in Vancouver.
Week 28
Jackson: He really is part fish. He loves the water, ocean or lake.
Lily: Always willing to pose amongst flowers. I'm so glad
Week 29
Jackson: He was lucky to be invited up Powell Lake for the night with friends who took him boogie boarding. He LOVED it as I expected he would.
Lily: Peeking through a big old root while we were hiking in the forrest one day.
Joining in with Donna and others for Living Arrows.
I can't believe it's been a month. The weeks have flown by! We absolutely loved Toy Story 4 - there are so many great Disney/Pixar movies out this year! I hope you're having a wonderful summer! x