Thursday 5 September 2019


 "a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019"

Jackson: Lily was out the other night and he suggested we take the paddle boards out for a spin. 
He didn't want to get off once he was on and stayed til after the sun set. 
Lily: She has jumped off this dock numerous times this summer and requested one last jump the day before school went back. We took her and her girlfriend and spent an hour watching them gleefully jump over and over again. 
Joining in with Donna and others for Living Arrows. 
Living Arrows


  1. Wow! It looks amazing out on the lake. I hope they're both settled back in the school routine now :)

  2. That lake looks utterly beautiful. I love paddleboarding but there isn't that much opportunity to do it here - the sea can be quite rough and most of the lakes are man made - like old quarries - and far too deep/unsafe to use. It's something I always look forward to when we go on holiday! x
