Thursday 23 July 2020


"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2020"

Jackson: Pictured here with his bin of goodies to meet some friends and go camping. He was so pumped after working his 40 hours to head out and relax for a couple days. Life is so different now. 

Lily: We have been going to different lakes to walk the dogs and let them swim. On this occasion, Lily joined. 

As ever, joining in with the lovely Donna and others for another week of Living Arrows
Living Arrows


  1. That photo of Lily could be in a holiday brochure! It's so strange seeing Jackson in an adult sense - working, going off camping with his mates... it's great, but so odd, he's still little in my head! x

  2. I hope Jackson enjoyed his camping trip. And that's a beautiful picture of Lily x
