Saturday 11 July 2015


"a portrait of, and occasionally a quote from my children, once a week, every week, in 2015"

Jackson: Red faced and resting a little (lot) on his stick after his shift in ball hockey.
"I know the recipe for a perfect sleepover  - don't think of your parents cuz then you don't miss them."
"Yes Mom, I think Papa really enjoyed that meal because he didn't talk at all so he must've liked it."

Lily: This girl is super creative. This week she's been drawing a lot, making little movies with her cousin and is back at crochet, making headbands for her dolls. She's hard to keep up with sometimes as she usually 
leaves a messy trail behind her as she hops from one thing to another. 
After she made a movie and had edited it on the computer, she said to her Dad "check out this editation"
About her hamster "I know Donut like I know cheese and pepperoni"


  1. Aww they're both hilarious and I love the portrait of Lily, what a face!,

  2. Awwww ... love the 'editation'. What gorgeous pictures. Such fun and brother / sister love is so cute. Really lovely captures. #LivingArrows

  3. I don't use the word "editation" nearly enough! They're awesome, Jen!

  4. I don't use the word "editation" nearly enough! They're awesome, Jen!
