Thursday, 24 January 2019


"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019"

Jackson: He's nearing the end of his first term of Grade 10, exams are next week. 
It hasn't been an easy one, especially Math. 
I'm glad it's almost over and so is he. Onwards and upwards. 

Lily: Grade 8 is different so no exams for her until June which is fine by her. 
Living Arrows


  1. Lovely photos! Really hope Jackson's exams go well and that he's not too stressed out by them.x #LivingArrows

  2. I hope Jackson doesn't get stressed out with his exams and gets the results that he wants. Lovely photos.

  3. They both look so grown up in those pictures - you can see a glimpse of the adults that they are fast turning into x
