Monday, 14 January 2019

2/52, 2019

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019"

Jackson: We had a single day worth of magical snow so of course I made the kids 
have some pictures after school. 

Lily: Also this past week, the California Sea Lions have made an appearance and seem to be sticking around at one of our local beaches. Lily and I and some cousins walked several miles from my parents place down to the beach to check them out. They litter the breakwater and seem very keen to be in pictures. I will do a post on them tomorrow after I join my work to go see them again in the afternoon. 
Living Arrows


  1. I love how you can see the little snowflakes in their hair. Beautiful pictures. We have yet to have snow but it has been forecast!

  2. Lovely pictures this week - it's amazing that those sea lions are so close! #LivingArrows

  3. Those snow pictures are beautiful - we had a flurry this morning but it didn't settle or fall for long at all. The children were so excited for it though! x
