Wednesday 18 December 2019


 "a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2019"

Jackson: Fortunately Neil sent me this pic when he and Jackson went out for supper otherwise it would've been a week without a Jackson pic. Time is racing as we get closer to the end of school before the holidays and all the Christmas parties and gatherings that are happening. I need to scheduling pictures I guess. 

Lily: My girl got bangs. She's been asking for years and finally convinced me. She was about to get a haircut and I told her to go for it. There were a lot of tears the first night but since then she is pleased she did it. They will grow back. :)
Living Arrows


  1. I know what you mean about needing to schedule pictures - I often get to the end of the week and realise I haven't taken any! I like Lily's hair - it suits her :) I hope you all have a lovely Christmas x

  2. 'bangs'! haha. I have a fringe on and off - I always grow it out then cut it back in myself when I get bored. It's such a huge change if you're not used to it. She'll either get used to it and love it or grow it out immediately - I'm sure it's what hair clips were invented for! Have a wonderful Christmas x
