Thursday 9 July 2020

26 & 27/52

Week 26
"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2020"

Jackson: My boy got a full time job Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm. I worry it's a bit much but he's pumped to be making money for the summer. He has assured me that it's ok as he will still have evenings and weekends with his friends but it still feels crazy to me. How did he get so big and so old? 

Lily: We were fortunate enough to go and meet a new alpaca friend the day she was born. Lily was overjoyed.

Week 27

Jackson & Lily:  Both my babies were invited to go "up the lake" with friends to their family cabins. Lily sent me this lovely pic and Jackson forgot to send one until he was almost home. It's all good and at least I got one, I just asked him for one similar to his sisters. lol. 

Joining in, a week late, with the lovely Donna and others for another week of Living Arrows. 

1 comment:

  1. That photo with the alpaca needs to be framed. So beautiful! And how is Jackson old enough to have a job?! Insane! x
