Monday 15 June 2020


"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2020"

Jackson: Proudly displaying his cheater IN-N-OUT Burger. He found a recipe online and asked if he could make them for his lunch. If only we could find the right buns and then they'd be perfect. Mom approved except for the messy kitchen following his cooking. 

Lily: I've been asked to take some photos for some local grads and I'm feeling a bit stressed even though these are good friends of mine. They know I'm no pro but they still want me. Lily's been a great sport and come out with me a few times now to get some practice. The pic of Jackson and the one of both of them are iPhone pics while her's was taken with my Canon. 

As ever, joining in with beautiful Donna and others for another week of Living Arrows

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you'll do a great job of the photos! Those burgers look immense x
